الأبحاث الفائزة في اللائحة المنظمة لمكافآت التميز البحثي وجودة النشر للعام2015


اسماء المشتاركين في االبحث

اسم البحث العلمي

اسم المجلة


أميرة شاهين

Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries,
1990–2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition

The Lancet


غالب عدوان

Effect of ethanolic extract of Ecballium elaterium against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans

Asian Pacific Journal
of Tropical Biomedicine


يوسف سلامة


كامل عدوان


عماد النتشة

Intelligent controller for managing power flow within standalone hybrid power systems

IET Science, Measurement & Technology


عبدالرزاق النتشة


ريان العلي

Occupational fatalities in Jordan.

Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine


أماني زعبي

Optimizing photo-mineralization of aqueous methyl orange by nano-ZnO catalyst under simulated natural conditions

Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering


منير عبده

Synthesis, spectral, electrochemical, crystal structure studies of two novel di-μ-halo-bis[halo(2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) cadmium(II)] dimer complexes and their thermolysis to nanometal oxides

Journal of Molecular Structure


 محمد النوري


سليمان الخليل

The Arab world's contribution to solid waste literature: a bibliometric analysis

J Occup Med Toxicol


أنسام صوالحة


عبد الناصر زيد

Comparative fasting bioavailability of two clopidogrel formulations in healthy Mediterranean volunteers: an in vitro–in vivo correlation

Drug Design, Development and Therapy


رواء الرمحي


نضال جرادات

Evaluation of Potential Drug- Herb ‎Interactions Among a Group of Palestinian ‎Patients with Chronic Diseases

BMC Complement Altern Med.


سمير خضير

Nonrelativistic molecular models under external magnetic and AB flux fields

Annals of Physics


رمزي شواهنة

Physical and Metabolic Integrity of the Blood-Brain Barrier in HIV Infection: A Special Focus on Intercellular Junctions, Influx and Efflux Transporters and Metabolizing Enzymes

Current Drug Metabolism


أدهم أبو طه

Assessment of research productivity of Arab countries in the field of infectious diseases using Web of Science database

Infections Diseases of Poverty


 علاء الدين أبو زنط


مصطفى غانم


 اسماعيل وراد

Ruthenium(II) bipyridine complexes bearing new keto–enol azoimine ligands: Synthesis, structure, electrochemistry and DFT calculations

Spectrochimica Acta Part A


 اياد العلي

Melatonin prevents myeloperoxidase heme destruction and the generation of free iron mediated by self-generated hypochlorous acid



 سمير شديد

A preliminary investigation of wadi–aquifer interaction in the semi-arid watershed of Faria, Palestine using tracer-based methodology

Environmental Earth Sciences




 محمد أبو جعفر

Study of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of CoFeIn and Co2FeIn Heusler alloys

ournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,


شحدة جودة

New routes to prepare superabsorbent polymers free of acrylate cross-linker

Iranian Polymer Journal


 سماح الجابي

Worldwide research productivity of paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning A bibliometric analysis (2003–2012)

Human & Experimental Toxicology


سائد الزيود

Bibliometric analysis on global Catha edulis (khat) research production during the period of 1952–2014

Globalization and Health


 وليد صويلح

Scientific publications from Arab world in leading journals of Integrative and Complementary Medicine: a bibliometric analysis

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine


 حكمت هلال

High PEC conversion efficiencies from CuSe film electrodes modified with metalloporphyrin/polyethylene matrices

Electrochimica Acta


عاهد الزيود


 بلال رحال

Localization of reelin signaling pathway components in murine midbrain and striatum

Cell and Tissue Research


تامر الخطيب

A Model for Hourly Solar Radiation Data Generation from Daily Solar Radiation Data Using a Generalized Regression Artificial Neural Network

International Journal of Photoenergy